June 17, 2024


Connecting Asian writers with global readers

Short Story: The Last Hope by Julian Matthews

1 min read

Julian Matthews’ short story talks about hope and despair in a tone that connects deep within a reader’s psyche and makes one think.

SUNDAY TIMES: Dec 29, 2024: The last Malayan tiger at the Taiping Zoo being tested for a new vaccine for Covid-24 has died.

Senang was a four-year-old male tiger, one of four tigers, that tested positive for the virus earlier this year. 

In March, the zoo had greenlighted an independent research team to examine the tigers and extract their blood to produce a vaccine to fight the deadly new Omega variant, which has killed over 50 million people worldwide.

It is unclear why all four tigers suddenly died this week. 

The head of the research team, Dr. Riley Kennedy, had yet to respond to The Sunday Times at press time.

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